Tuesday, May 6, 2008

day 3

I am back in the “Valley of the Sun”. One of the first things I did was to spritz my hair with water, and my special mix. To be honest, my dry ends are really bothering me, so I spritz my hair with my special mix of water, rosemary essential oil, lavender EO, and aloe vera juice. I also used a little of myhoneychild herbal hair cocktail spray because it is not oily, very light and will help with moisturizing. In AZ, it is dry heat, very little to no humidity. I have to spritz my hair two times a day. I know after reading blogs some say that is too much, but I live in the desert per say. Spritzing my hair did help a little with the dry ends.


Allecia said...

Your hair looks great already! I'm jealous. You are going to have a beautiful head of locs.

Gena said...

Thanks Allecia.

My Transitional Days

Below are some pics of me back in the days. Well, actually it's been a little over a year since I've been natural. I received my first perm at age 13. I will never forget that day; I was so excited because it symbolized back then I was growing up. Over the years, I had many experiences bad and good with perms. The idea of going natural was out of the questions because I had no idea how to take care of natural hair. I was definitely brainwashed to believe natural hair is difficult to manage, and I wasn't aware of the different label texture types. Before my awakening, natural to me was associated with nappy and ugly. However, relocating to AZ, initiated my natural liberation because it was very frustrating finding a hair stylist and the dry heat in AZ was bad for my hair. My hair was always dry, hard, and started to break. It didn't look healthy, so I desperately needed a change. I decided to let the perm grow out but the transition wasn't easy. I transitioned with kinky twist, individual braids, press and curl. I noticed that the edges of my hair were breaking because of the tight braids. After getting frustrated again, I did my homework and found natural websites with loads of information and that was the beginning of my relationship with my natural hair. I cut the perm off, order books, and was empowered to begin taking care of my hair.